Monday, July 20, 2009

1/4 century old

Well...I'm now 25 years old. Ronnie and Kyle did very good. My camera DIED a little while back, so he let me pick out a new one. I got an Olympus Stylus TOUGH, which is shockproof, waterproof, and hopefully Kyleproof:) I'm really excited about it. I'm planning on taking some underwater shots with it soon!! Kyle bought me this watermelon. I couldn't have any when I was pregnant with Katie, because of all the sugar/carbs in it. I have been wanting one all summer. Notice the message on the watermelon. Much to my was a yellow meat watermelon...MY FAVORITE!!

Just a few pics...

How precious!!! Kyle loves his sister.

Just hanging out with Mommy.

Do It Yourself

Kyle is starting to get to the stage where he wants to do things on his own. Bathtime is one of them. Before you think we just let Kyle bathe himself...we do a follow up know...just incase he missed a spot!!! Here are a few pics of him we snapped trying to wash himself with the washcloth...notice most the time he just lets it sit there.