Friday, June 27, 2008

Kyle's first blog

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Kyle was busy on the computer today. We let Kyle write his first blog today; that would be the "words" at the top of this blog. He's growing up so fast!!!

His Aunt Ashley has found this neat "game" on the computer. When Kyle presses a button, it goes through each letter in the alphabet.
He really likes the dolphin.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Queen Wilhelmina

Kyle, Aunt Ashley, Grandma Lewis, and I all loaded up and went to the mountain the other day. Kyle really enjoyed the train ride and lunch. We also stopped in Mena, so Grandma could look at some antiques. Ashley and I were more suprised to find that some of our toys, that we played with when we were kids, were considered "antiques." Here are a few pictures from the trip.

Ladies Man

Yesterday...Kyle just was so tired that he fell asleep in nursery at church. I happened to be in there when I noticed that the girls in there was just sitting over by the pack-n-play looking at Kyle.

Hangin' Out at Grandma's

I signed up to teach summer school after school got out this year. My mom and sister have been nice enough to keep Kyle in the mornings while I am teaching. Here are a few pics they have snapped of him playing around.

Like Father...Like Son

Ronnie usually get Kyle out of his crib in the morning and gives him his morning bottle. If all goes well, Kyle will usually fall asleep in our bed while I finish getting ready for work. This is usually what I see.

Big Boy Food

As you can all tell, Kyle is starving:) We decided to graduate to some "real" food. Here he is chomping on some corn on the cob. He seemed to enjoy it. He just couldn't keep it sideways by himself.

Here Fishy, Fishy!!!

Aunt Ashley came home from college for about a month. She brought her fish with her. Ronnie has been wanting to take Kyle fishing for a little while now. We thought some practice couldn't hurt.

Who needs a pack-n-play?

Kyle has started crawling, so the pack-n-play has come in handy when I need to leave the room for a second or two. We were over at my parents' the other day, when my sister put Kyle in the laundry basket. He seemed to be okay with it, as long as he had his blocks.

7 months old

We went to our 6 month checkup about 1 month late. I thought it was neat that we got the elephant examine table, since his room is done in elephants. Kyle was more impressed w/the mirror than anything else. He weighed about 18 pounds and about 27 inches long. As usual, he did fine with his shorts. Uncle Shorty and Aunt Shawnda went with us. He had to be tough in front of them. Later that day, we got to hear Baby Chip's heartrate. It was the same as Kyle's when he was in my belly. We predicted a boy. Here are a few pictures of Kyle playing with the different mirrors in the doctors office.