You have grown up so fast! You are such a sweet little boy. You are always helping Mommy with Katie by giving her a paci or putting her bottle in the sink. You love to play outside on your trampoline (jump-jump). You still love going with Grandma Williamson to play at her house. You haven't quite narrowed down a name for your grandparents, but the ones in the running are Mamo, Mammaw, Pee-paw, Pappaw, PawPaw, and Pop Pop. I'm sure you will decide soon. Aunt Ashley & you have grown close since she moved back. I believe you call her "Ashee." You love taking baths before you go to bed. You still don't want to go straight to your bed at night. We usually sing to you and then lay you in your bed. On the way home from the babysitters you love to sing songs. Some of your favorites are Jesus Loves Me, Fuzzy Caterpillar, Wise Man, Zacheius, My Bible, If Your Happy and You Know It, and God is So Good (God-to). You tell people "Bless You _____" (fill in the blank) when they sneeze, and just to make sure you are not left out-you give us a sneeze or cough back. (of course we have to say "Bless You Kyle." You have become really good at saying "Yes Mam," but you haven't figured out who is a mam and who is a sir. You still call a tractor a "gocky" even though we make sure to emphasize every syllable when we say the word. You also love SHOES!!! As soon as we get home, you run to your room and get out a different pair of shoes. As long as you don't start switching sweaters, we will be okay. (Mr. Roger's Neighborhood) :) You do not have a favorite TV show, but you do like Mickey Mouse & his friends. You have to name them all on your sippy cup everytime you drink out of it. Kyle you are so loved, and I can only imagine what the rest of the years have in store for us. You are a true gift from God. We love you. Mommy & Daddy
Sunday, October 11, 2009
To: Kyle
Happy Birthday Big Boy
Stained Glass Window?
Boys Will Be Boys
Katie's Update
Master's Degree
Blogger Back-Up when I started this blog, I thought it wouldn't be that hard to keep up. Take a picture, add a picture on the blog, and write a little. WOW! Not only was I not good when I only had Kyle to keep up with, now I have both Kyle and Katie!!! Life has been a little busy (CRAZY)! About the time we are getting adjusted to our new schedule with two little ones, I decide I need to get my Master's Degree. This degree will only take me a little over a year to complete, which sounds great right? The problem with this is I think they have crammed two years into about one year of classes! I will go on about that later. So, basically what I am trying to say is please don't think I am not trying to keep everybody up to date. I will try my hardest now that I know how to work my camera (barely) and have constant access to the internet to keep our blog up to date. I was thinking about changing our "blogger title" to something more catchy, but I'm having "blogger's block." Ideas would be much appreciated! Hopefully from now on, our blog won't say "updated forever ago!!!" :) It sure would be nice to have one of those nice new phones, to use to post to our blog. Note to self: A phone that can do it all-christmas present!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
1/4 century old
Do It Yourself
Monday, July 13, 2009
First "Bath"
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Hey everybody! It's Tiffany. Well, I saw where Ashley posted the information for me, so I will take the pleasure in posting the pictures of Katie. She is doing great! We might get to come home tomorrow!!! YEA!!
Labels: Katie
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Miss Katie Lynn Williamson
(it's Ashley, I hijacked Tiff's blog again, but I thought some of you would want the information)
She's here!
Katie Lynn Williamson
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
8:42 pm
7 lbs 4 oz
20 1/4 inches long
Photos will be posted by tomorrow!
Let's give a little update...
Kyle is 20 months old. I will post pictures soon. We are expecting a new addition today. That's right, I'm actually sitting in the hospital, hooked up to an I.V. as I am blogging. I thought I might need something to pass the time. We are expecting a girl, Katie Lynn. I will try to have pictures up as soon as possible. So, if you read this TODAY...please think about us as the labor progresses. If you are reading this some time later...think of us as we are dealing with two kids in diapers and probably losing my mind about right now!
Hello again. has been awhile since I last posted anything. My sister hijacked my blog for me. Things got a little crazy around the house, and it took too much time to go over to someone elses house to use their internet. They finally updated Crosstrails Road technology and we now have DSL internet. Well, before I could update my virus protection on our computers...they attacked. My laptop has an old virus that was in the vault, but apparently worked its way out. My desktop computer crashed!!! So....we are paying for internet right now, but we do not have access to it at our house. My dad is eagerly working away to get everything back up. So, hopefully this blog will stop taking up space with the same old post and you will actually look forward to reading it. Well....some of you might:)